Wordpress - Developer project portfolio

A project portfolio plugin targeting developers.

View the Project on GitHub crilleengvall/Wordpress-developer-project-portfolio




Editor plugin

Project fields



The project custom post type has the following fields: Name, Description, Project url, Short description, Customer/Category, Programming Languages, Tools & Technologies, Platforms and Project image.


The name of the project works like the name of any other post in Wordpress. It will be displayed on the detailview and used as the slug.


The standard post description. Shown on project detail view.

Project url

Adds a link to the project on the detail view.

Short description

A short description used on both project listing and project detail view.


This taxonomy is used to categorize the projects into groups that will be used in the editor plugin.

Programming Languages

Add the programming languages used in the project. These will be displayed in the project detail view.

Tools & Technologies

Add tools and technologies. For example git, scrum, wordpress. These will also be displayed in the project detail view.


Add platforms. For example Web, Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, Android. Will be displayed in the project detail view.

Project image

An image for the project. Any size would probably work but when developed the size 1200x627 pixels was used. This is because the facebook share image is this size.

Project admin Projects public listing Project detail